cool stuff, life, movies, Relationships

Movie Recommendation: Run Fat Boy Run

It isn’t often that I recommend a movie to people. After all, in my opinion, most movies aren’t good. Yet, I’m still paying 10 bucks to go see them every week, go figure.

Anyway, Run Fat Boy Run is a perfect movie for any of the following people to see:

  • Men who ever dated someone that you just could decide if she was the right one
  • Women who ever dated the guy who just couldn’t decide if you were the right one

The above includes just about everyone in the world, but here are more people who should go see Run Fat Boy Run:

  • Dead beat/loser fathers – So you can see what it takes to win your family back
  • Co-parents of the dead beat/loser father – So you can see what someone who is really committed to your family does to win you back
  • People who like to laugh… A LOT!!!
  • People who like to cry… a little
  • People who like to watch movies with real life scenarios that aren’t overacted

I really enjoyed this film. I was laughing throughout, save a couple of times when tears welled up in my eyes. It is a superb film and well worth the money at the theater. And don’t forget to take the woman that you haven’t been able to make your mind up about for the last five years either! That adds value to the experience of this film 😀

View the trailer for Run Fat Boy Run.

blogging, cool stuff, culture, Education, friends, life, movies, philosophy, Relationships, thoughts, videos

Oprah Knows the Secret

That’s right folks 😀 Oprah is going to have the creator of “The Secret” and several of the contributors on her show next Wednesday.

Want to make a difference in someone’s life? Share “The Secret” with them. You can view it online now for $4.95 and then get a coupon for the same price off the DVD. That essentially gets you the most powerful movie on the market for free. Enjoy!

The Secret ::: Official Release of The Secret Movie

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blogging, cool stuff, movies, technology

Projector deals

Woot’s got a pretty good deal on a good projector and 76″ screen

Woot : One Day, One Deal

However, Circuit City still has one of the best projects for under $1,000. An Optoma HD70 Home Theater Projector

So I ended up going to CC in Valencia on my lunch break. I go over to the area where they are selling the projectors and ask how many they have in stock for the model listed above. Turns out they only have one in stock, but they were quick to pitch me the newer, more expensive model. The funniest thing about the other model is that it really isn’t much different than the $1,000 model, except the fact that it costs $2,000. It is slightly brighter, which is the part that they tried to pitch me on. It’s not like I’m going to be sitting in the middle of a football field during the summer trying to watch a movie. I’m going to be sitting in a room with windows that have blinds.

My favorite part was when one of the guys tried to tell me that the room needed to be pitch black. LOL I nearly fell over after that one. I’ve had three different projectors in my living room. None of them have been really good quality. They are mediocre at best. All of them have displayed the picture just fine during my movie nights. Oh well, I haven’t purchased the projector yet. I’ll probably go back after work. Knowing how clever the guys were with pitching the unit that cost 2x more, I’m sure the original is still going to be there.

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blogging, cool stuff, movies

Running with Scissors

This was a great movie. I’m not sure what was the best part. Was it the pure insanity of the narcissistic mother who projected that behavior on her husband? Was it the conversation regarding the masterbatorium? LOL Yes, a masterbatorium. Was it the fact that this was based upon someone’s actual memoirs? Was it how well they nailed the 70s era clothing, home decor, and hair styles?

There really is not one particular aspect of this movie that really made it enjoyable. What made this movie incredible is how much effort went into the details. There were very few things overlooked in this movie. The story was ridiculously insane, capturing the insanity that Augusten had to experience growing up. The characters were outrageous, providing endless entertainment with each or their idiosyncrasies. The corruption and abuse of the field of psychiatry was well crafted in this movie. Psychiatrist and Psychologists: wonder why the public views your field as quackery? Look no further than Dr. Finch!

If you like movies with excellent actors, a phenomenal balance between drama and comedy (much like our own lives), and high quality dialog, then Running with Scissors is the movie for you. You will hardly notice that time has passed with this eccentric film. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who find the humor the the insanity of deranged people

Sony Pictures – Running with Scissors

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